« ...As a first step, dermatologists may prescribe birth control pills to bring down the levels of androgens, though this is not a long-term solution. A better alternative is a topical lotion containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, easily available over the counter (OTC). However, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist about the best lotion to use, because not everyone is equally capable of handling the effects of benzoyl peroxide. Essentially, benzoyl peroxide helps in cleaning the skin of bacteria and also restricts the activity of the sebaceous glands....
...Hormonal treatments also make popular choices for treatment methods, especially for women. Most women suffering from acne actually experience heightened levels of androgenic hormones. When these levels are significantly reduced, then the formation of acne as well as acne breakouts would also be reduced to a relatively moderate level. However, this type of treatment method actually comes with side effects. Thus, this treatment should be considered as one of the last options in line....»
«...While the spotlight has recently been on revolutionary acne treatments such as laser and light-based therapies, there have been huge advances in oral medications used to treat acne. Many dermatologists believe that oral medications still offer the best long term results for acne sufferers, but traditional antibiotics have many drawbacks in that they need to be taken on an empty stomach, they can cause yeast infections, and long term use can lead to bacterial resistance....»
Full Text: pfofusefab.blogspot.com
tags: home remedies of acne, natural acne scar treatment, how do i treat acne by any home remedy